Thursday, August 20, 2009

How to worship Jesus, Congo style…

Sunday was my (Michelle's) first experience worshipping in a Congolese church and I must say it blew me away. There's nothing quite like praising His name Congo style. The service at Bethlehem Church lasted for almost 5 hours, although we were told that it was an exceptionally long service that day, and the pastor thanked us for our patience.

You might be wondering, what happens at a Congolese Church service? Well let me share… The service was the first time since we've been here that we saw true Congolese culture shining through, without any western influence. They kicked things off with multiple songs from the men's, women's, and children's choir. Most of the choirs danced their way to the front and back to their seats. The congregation sang some songs (everyone claps or dances!), a pastor prayed, more singing, a pastor read some scripture, more praying, more singing, a pastor introduced all the pastors and visitors in the congregation of about 250 (including visiting pastors, notable guests and community members), more praying, a pastor introduced Jim Snyder, Jim Snyder introduced us and explained why we had come to the Elikya Center, more praying, more singing, a pastor gave an alter call, more praying, more singing, a pastor gave the sermon. Then came the offering… a pastor said that they were raising funds to build the foundation of the church or soon the termites would eat the walls and that would be shameful (it currently looks much like a large rectangular gazebo with mud floor, walls of bamboo posts lashed together and a corrugated tin roof decorated with flowers). The men, women, children, and visitors were assigned a specific person to give their offering to. Some musicians began to sing excitedly and play the drums as portions of the congregation rose and danced in lines up to give their offering. Giving is truly the focal point of the service and it was evident as people danced and sang their way to the front of the church. Soon after the sky opened and it began to pour, so the offering was extended and they continued to dance up and worship for 1 ½ hour. The whole offering we had been standing and after a while a couple ladies caught my eye. They were giggling and motioning for us to sit down. I think they felt badly that we had been standing so long. It amazed me that without any leading because of the rain the people continued to worship! Have you noticed some trends? It was so clear you couldn't miss that these people joyfully prayed, sang, and danced to the Glory of God!

All this to say… God is good at all times, in all places, and all His people worship joyfully!... We'll post pictures and video later if we are able!


  1. Praise God! Glad you are there and enjoying the worship. Wish we could be there dancing with you. We miss you and keep you in our prayers.

  2. So glad to hear that you arrived safely! Sounds like TONS of Fun...I am enjoying reading about your adventures :)

  3. I'd love to have copies of the singing and any video - wish I could've been there with you. Miss it so much some days I cry. But God has His bigger plans and purposes - and I'm just glad that you two can be there. Love, Tante Luta
