Friday, January 8, 2010

Zaire is for Kids

This is an old slideshow my Dad put together during our years in the former Zaire in the 1990s. He also made some other slideshows but this one seemed to be the most popular. It is a brief, educational and fun look at our family's time on the mission field...and very professionally narrated if I do say so myself.

An End in Sight

The latest from Dr. Tom Cairns on the conflict in northwestern Congo:

Last week on Dec 31 and January 1, the rebels from Inyele had been driven back to their own village. They were surrounded by the Congo Army troops and given an ultimatum to lay down arms. Instead they tried a counterattack at two places against the army, so the army attacked and by the end of the fighting 157 rebels were killed as well as one soldier. Some soldiers were evacuated with non-life-threatening wounds to the hospital at Gemena by helicopter. Supposedly there were only a few escapees from Inyele.

The military is continuing mopping-up operations but there is real hope that this will bring an end to the fighting. The next thing is for the army to begin to withdraw, giving confidence to the villagers in all the villages up and down the roads there that they can come back to their homes and begin to rebuild their lives.

We are very thankful that something over $30,000 has come in from our churches and donors in the EFCA and in the Consortium. The church has developed a plan to help people with their return, including providing food staples, tarps for shelter, and other necessities to get started again.

Please be in prayer that this will really be the end and that people will quickly return to their villages. Pray that the church will be used mightily as a witness to show God’s care and compassion for them. Pray too that more funds will come in to help meet the massive needs. While there are other NGO agencies working to help, none of them are doing it from God’s heart of compassion as the CECU can do.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 2010 Newsletter is hot off the presses! Click to view. 2009 newsletters and donation cards are also available to view or download on the sidebar.