Friday, January 8, 2010

Zaire is for Kids

This is an old slideshow my Dad put together during our years in the former Zaire in the 1990s. He also made some other slideshows but this one seemed to be the most popular. It is a brief, educational and fun look at our family's time on the mission field...and very professionally narrated if I do say so myself.


  1. Awesome!! I am so glad you posted this. It was fun to find Ben and Sam in there, too. :)

  2. Also, I am particularly fond of the way Aaron says, "pan-gooo-lin"

  3. Wow! That has memories for me on so many levels! Those were wonderful days for us Oldbergs too - when your Mom and Auntie were growing up with us. Now you are helping to usher in a new era of partnership with our Congolese brothers and sisters. Good to see your support up there. I hope you can get there very soon. ~ Rachel Bliss

  4. Oh, Little Aaron!

    Keep raisin' support, my friends... there are lizards just waiting to be caught.
