Sunday, September 6, 2009

What's for dinner?

Palm Grubs

Many Congolese ask us if we're getting used to the climate here and to the food. We generally respond in the affirmative. Not to everything, but to most things. Meals here generally consist of a combination of the following foods:

Mosuni (meat): usually chicken in sauce or fried fish, sometimes goat or pig
Ndunda (vegetables): usually leafy greens in palm oil
Loso (rice): part of every meal just about
Mbuma (fruit): pineapple, avocado, papaya or oranges
Fuku: cassava root "paste" mixed with corn
Mpondu: cassava leaves in palm oil
Mabenge: potatos
Makemba: plantains

And in the picture above, there are some other tasty morsels which we have only been served once. Most of us are happy about that.

1 comment:

  1. As much as I would love to halp palm grubs how bout some sausage chowder in a month or so?! :) brave eaters!
