Monday, December 14, 2009

Good News (and keep praying)!

There has been some good news coming out of the Ubangi region in the past couple days. The violence near Tandala seems to be diminishing and with it, the threat to Gemena. The prayer focused on the area has negated the influence of the witchdoctor(s) and the insurrection has found virtually no support from the locals. The last word that we have received has been that the antagonists are retreating from the area. It seems they never had a clear plan of action and that after a skirmish with government troops they are withdrawing.

Praise God and continue to keep the region in prayer. Remember the 115,000 + that were displaced. Pray that the violence continues to subside and that the people are able to return to their homes and be reunited with family members. Pray that until then, those that are yet refugees have their needs met and that peace would return.

We thank you for your prayers on behalf of the Congo. It is encouraging to know that though we are thousands of miles away we can always do something. We can intercede for our brothers and sisters, we can lift them up, we can go to our mighty God on their behalf. When we pray "your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Mt 6:10) we pray that it is done here in the US, in our homes and streets and backyards, and in the Congo and everywhere. We are grateful for your prayers and we look forward to the good that God will do from the evil that has been done.

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