Saturday, June 26, 2010

Faith Comes By Hearing

This is for those of you who may be interested in hearing what Lingala really sounds like. We are, of course, aspiring to sound this good but just aren't there yet. The organization that produces the audio here is called Faith Comes By Hearing. They create dramatized recordings of the New Testament in various languages and make them available to poor, illiterate and marginalized populations around the world. They focus on regions that may not have a strong history of the written word but where stories are passed down aurally. This particular recording is of the third chapter of the Gospel of John.

*Allow several seconds for audio to load after pressing play.


  1. Thanks for posting. I love it-made me homesick!

  2. I cried listening to this. Wish I could still speak this language of my heart fluently and go with you and share the gospel.
    I miss you 3 already.
    Tante Luta
