Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Big 4

Yesterday, July 1st, was our fourth wedding anniversary! We celebrated by going out to eat after teaching English class. We took motorcycle taxis to a little place across from the airport by the Gemena Hospital. Our anniversary meal consisted of goat and large portions of rice and mpondu (pounded cassava leaves). I bet Michelle never saw that coming when we got married! Soleil tagged along too (after all, where else would she be?).


  1. Happy Anniversary guys! Was so glad to be a part of that day 4 years ago. Seems like only yesterday. I would have babysat Soleil Ole Ole Ole for you, but I do not think you would let me. Miss and love you guys!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on four years

  3. Hi Aaron and Michelle-
    I just celebrated my 29th wedding anniversary! Congratulations on 4!!

  4. I am SO proud of you, Michelle. I do NOT like mpondu or fuku (at least you didn't have that) but there are also foods from Congo I miss terribly. Scoured Iron Mt for makembas and found zero! The mangos were terrible. Sadness. I love you three and pray for you and miss you. - Tante Luta

  5. Hey Yall,

    Love the Blog. Great Job. And a late happy anniversary. We miss yall a lot. Can't believe its ONLY been a year. Come hope already...hahha. Just kidding, but really we miss you.

